
Friday 13 October 2017

Gamebook Friday: World Egg Day

Back in March this year, following the success of the Alice's Nightmare in Wonderland Colouring Book, Kev Crossley and I put out a second volume of illustrations, inspired by the adventure, but this time designed to be coloured, subtitled Through the Looking-Glass and the Horrors Alice Found There.

One of the scenes that there just wasn't the time or the budget to include in the gamebook itself was this image of Alice encountering Humpty Dumpty.

Now what can possibly have hatched from an egg like this? I'll give you a clue...

I would love to be able to put out a second edition of Alice's Nightmare in Wonderland one day, including the extra illustrations Kev produced for the second colouring book. Maybe I should run a Kickstarter to do just that...

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