
Tuesday 1 December 2020

Tie-in Tuesday: Free Scarlet Traces eBook

If you sign-up to Rebellion Publishing's newsletter you get a free eBook delivered straight to your inbox every month - and December’s free eBook is Scarlet Traces: An Anthology Based on The War of the Worlds, edited by Ian Edginton.

This wonderful anthology includes stories by Stephen Baxter, I. N. J. Culbard, Adam Roberts, Emma Beeby, James Lovegrove, Nathan Duck, Mark Morris, Dan Whitehead, Chris Roberson, Maura McHugh, Andrew Lane, and Yours Truly.

As a special Christmas treat, they even have a beautiful hardcover copy of Scarlet Traces to give away to one lucky winner! So, if you don't already, sign up for the Rebellion Publishing newsletter now to enter the giveaway.

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