
Tuesday 2 May 2023

Write Like a Pro at the UK Games Expo 2023

The UK Games Expo 2023 starts one month today, on Friday 2nd June. I shall be there as usual, selling my latest ACE Gamebook, RONIN 47, and generally enjoying the buzz of the event.

However, this year I am going to be helping Darren W. Pearce run the Write Like a Pro workshop on Sunday 4th June from 12:30-1:30pm.

Here's what the UKGE website has to say about it:

Join two professional writers Darren W. Pearce and Jonathan Green - both industry veterans of many years experience - to talk about modern adventure design and how to approach the art of adventure writing, as well as working with established IP holders.

The workshop is being held in The Boardroom, NEC Piazza 3. To find out more, click this link.

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