
Thursday, 1 October 2009

Reviewers needed

Stormslayer's been out for nearly a month now and Evolution Expects even longer, but they've yet to garner any reviews on Amazon, that bookseller to the world. Both have received critical acclaim elsewhere, but it never hurts to have a few (no less than 3, please) stars up on Amazon.

Now, I am fully aware that this blog post might be a bit of a 'be careful what you wish for moment' but if any of you good folk feel like submitting a couple of lines explaining what you have enjoyed about recent publications of mine then please, go ahead. You never know, I might find some way of thanking you in the future.

Fingers crossed...


  1. Alas I haven't gotten around to picking up evoloution expects, whenever I've seen it I've had more pressing purchases to make, but I'll hunt it down and do a review as I've been meaning to read it anyway for like ever,

  2. Hello Jonathan,
    this is a copy of my post over at PAX BRITANNIA blog:

    I'm a fan of the PAX BRITANNIA series. I own all books of the series.
    I started to read EVOLUTION EXPECTS.
    As I'm a reviewer, I will review it over at Only The Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy.
    I planned to post the review on Friday 23rd of October.
    And as I really like the PAX BRITANNIA series I will post about the series on Thursday 15th of October.

    In case you would like to get in contact with me send a mail to edifanob[at]gmail[dot]com.
    I'm a German who reads and reviews books in English and post my reviews on an US blog.
