
Saturday 7 May 2011

Free Comic Book Day

So, today being Free Comic Book Day, I headed up to Gosh! Comics in London to catch up with Dan Abnett and Al Ewing, and to say "Hi!" to Robbie Morrison.

Managed to pick up a couple of freebies too, mainly for JG Junior, who is starting to show an interest in 'proper' comics and who has a bit of a thing for Thor, having seen the Branagh-helmed blockbuster last weekend.

It's always good to catch up with the guys but today it was especially good as it's been a little hard going this week ('it' being this thing I call 'being a freelance writer') and Dan's pep talk was just what I needed to get my motivation going again. So, Dan, if you're reading this - thanks!

It was also good to catch up with Mark de Jager of the My Favourite Books blog whose top tip for today was Two Steps From Hell. And thanks to his recommendation I've now purchased their album Invincible.

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