
Monday, 19 March 2012

Celebrating 15 years of Black Library

Black Library celebrates its 15th birthday this week* and for the next 15 days is releasing 15 brand new eShorts.

But did you know, the very first published BL short story was my very own
The Hounds of Winter? And did you know the very first Warhammer 40K short story published by BL was my very own Salvation? Well, you do now.

Black Library and I go right back to the beginning so it was nice to receive a package from BL this morning. Here it is...

And here's what it contained...

That's right - it's various novels, short stories and even a comic strip of mine that are back in print thanks to BL's Direct Exclusives line. And it just so happens that my next BL book is going to be released as one of those Direct Exclusives, but more on that soon... hopefully.

But for now, short stories for the price of a bar of chocolate**? What are you waiting for?

* What a year 2012 is for anniversaries! 200 years of Dickens, 35 years of 2000AD, 30 years of Fighting Fantasy, 25 years of Warhammer 40,000, 20 years of Jonathan Green Author, 15 years of Black Library... and the world's supposed to end too!

** Or less, if you like really expensive chocolate.


  1. You got comps of your Direct Exclusive? (sighs)

  2. Oooh, I've been looking for an excuse to buy a Direct Exclusive (I think they're really lovely). Thanks for that!

  3. Jared, if you're looking for recommendations, and you're into Pulp Noir and Westerns, might I suggest the Necromunda Omnibus 2?

    It contains all of the Nathan Creed stories that were published in Inferno! magazine which were always popular at the time.

  4. I got a special mention on the BL blog today! You can check it out here:

    Perhaps I'll get asked to write something for the 20th birthday celebrations. ;-)
