
Thursday 6 September 2012

Steampunk Week: Weekend at the Asylum

Weekend at the Asylum kicks off for some today although I won't make it up to Lincoln until tomorrow (Friday 7 September).

On Friday night I'll be catching up with friends, and no doubt making some new ones, and probably partaking of a drink or two (as is my wont).

On Saturday I'll be selling my wares in the Ballroom of the County Assembly Rooms, so if you're coming along why not stop by and say hello? (And buy a book or a badge.)

And then on Sunday morning at 11.00am I shall be reading from Part 3 of Time's Arrow - White Noise - and taking part in a Q'n'A session.

Lastly, at 1.00pm on Sunday I shall be taking part in the panel 'Write a cog on it' with Raven Dane and Jema Hewitt.

I look forward to seeing some of you there.

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