
Friday, 29 March 2013

Gamebook Friday: Knights of Doom revisited

And recently revisited by Marston Ecclestone, who has already cast his beady eye over Night of the Necromancer, Spellbreaker, Stormslayer, Howl of the Werewolf and Bloodbones.

And very kind about it he is too. Knights of Doom has something of a reputation for being - how shall I put this? - a little tricky, so it makes a nice change to hear someone praising the positive elements of the story for a change.

Knights of Doom is unusual, because it's the only Fighting Fantasy gamebook of mine that's not seen print in the new Wizard books format and is hard to get hold of. So if you have fond memories (or otherwise) of the book, or you're wondering what all the fuss is about, follow this link to read Mr Ecclestone's playthrough.


  1. Do you do a release of this FF ? It's be great because this book is too hard (we need to miss a skill test to find an artefact)


  2. Do you do a release of this FF ? It's be great because this book is too hard (we need to miss a skill test to find an artefact)


  3. There are no plans to re-release Knights of Doom at this time.
