
Saturday 2 November 2013

YOU ARE THE HERO at World FantasyCon 2013

I'm currently beside the seaside in Brighton for World FantasyCon, and I'm not the only FF alumnus who's down here either. One-time consultant editor on the series Marc Gascoigne was spotted in the bar last night, as was original commissioning editor Geraldine Cooke.

Geraldine met up with Mike Bryan, the man who first sold The Warlock of Firetop Mountain to bookshops.

Mike Bryan and Geraldine Cooke

Original editor of TWOFM Philippa Dickinson was at the 'Terry Pratchett in Conversation' panel.

Philippa Dickinson and Yours Truly

And the art show features work by two FF artists - Les Edwards and Terry Oakes!

The Brain Slayer (from Out of the Pit) and Terry Oakes

(Don't worry though, I'll get back to polishing the manuscript after the weekend.)

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