
Saturday, 5 July 2014


Almost a year ago now, in August 2013, Jared Shurin of Jurassic London, the publishers of Stories of the Smoke, got in touch to say that my short story Necropolis, along with several others, had been sold overseas - to Russia! This was exciting news indeed, as I had never had anything of mine appear in Russian before.

It turned out that SNOB magazine and the British Council had run a big feature on Dickens that inspired some new Dickensian short stories from Russian authors. SNOB, in partnership with the British Council, were interested in publishing a volume with a similar theme - which would also include new work from contemporary Russian authors. The British Council, who were instrumental in the creation of Smoke, connected everyone, and it all worked out neatly from there.

The stories selected were:

"Uncle Smoke" - Archie Black
"The Hound of Henry Hortinger" - Michelle Goldsmith
"Necropolis" - Jonathan Green
"Bullseye" - Sarah Anne Langton
"Cuckoo" - David Thomas Moore
"An Unburdening of the Soul" - David Thomas Moore
"The Collection" - Esther Saxey
"The Pickwick Syndrome" - Kaaron Warren

Most excitingly is that right now, copies of the book are being sent from Russia via diplomatic courier to the British Council, and from there they will be distribute to the others. As soon as I have some photos of the books (and my first story published in Russian), I'll post them up here.

Until next time...

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