
Saturday, 1 November 2014

A Man Lies Dreaming book launch

Last Wednesday I was fortunate enough to be among those invited to attend the launch of Lavie Tidhar's astonishing new novel A Man Lies Dreaming, held at Hatchards of Piccadilly, London's (and by extension the UK's) oldest bookshop.

Lavie was in discussion with Jake Kerridge of the Telegraph and it was a truly fascinating, not to say entertaining, interview. Afterwards Lavie proved that he really is a proper writing by picking up a pen and writing things in people's books. Here's what he wrote in mine:

I'm going to cherish these words when Lavie's a Booker prizewinner
(which is surely only a matter of time).

I was great to catch up with Anne Perry of Hodderscape and Jared Shurin of Jurassic London, not to mention Jonathan Oliver of Solaris/Abaddon/Ravenstone Books. It's at occasions like this that I really appreciate only being a 30 minute Tube ride away from central London.

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