Born of Darkness, the seventh instalment in the Kormak series, has just been released on all the major digital retailers. It's another rip-roaring adventure featuring a resurrected Shadow-worshipping, soul-devouring Lunar warlord unleashed in the vaults beneath the Palace of King-Emperor Aemon of Siderea.
Here's the blurb.
Millennia ago, the Shadow Lord Vorkhul vanished leaving only terrifying legends of his awesome power. Now he has reappeared in the sinister crypts below King-Emperor Aemon's palace. Can Kormak solve the mystery of his resurrection and stop his rampage before he acquires the power to topple kingdoms?
Until Wednesday 25th March, it will be available for the special price of $2.99 or the equivalent in local currency at the following stores:
Hi looks interesting, good luck with challenge :)