
Saturday 2 May 2015

Free Comic Book Day 2015

As it was Free Comic Book Day today, I dragged the family to Forbidden Planet in London so that I could pick up the special FCBD 2000AD.

As it turned out, m'colleagues Al Ewing and Cav Scott, along with Rob Williams, were all signing the special FCBD Doctor Who comic from Titan, so I picked up that as well.

Rob Williams, Al Ewing and Cav Scott at Forbidden Planet for Free Comic Book Day 2015

While I was in the store I stumbled across this...

You Are The Hero on sale at Forbidden Planet London

and this...

I have a short story in Resurrection Engines, although strangely there were no Pax Britannia books on the Steampunk bookcase

and this...

Remember - the official launch of SHARKPUNK is being held at Forbidden Planet London next Saturday, 9th May 2015

I also picked up these objects of desire...

and then headed over to the Covent Garden Games Workshop store to check out the new Assassinorum Execution Force boxed game.

So all in all, not a bad Free Comic Book Day. :-)

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