
Sunday, 3 July 2016

Shakespeare Sunday: On 13th August we're gonna party like it's 1594

Or 1616... Or something like that.

For, hark, what news through yonder blog post breaks? 
It is the news that the official book launch of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu will be taking place at the Forbidden Planet Megastore in London on Saturday 13th August between 1 and 2pm! 
And that's less that's less than six weeks to go, from today...

Come and join us at Forbidden Planet for the official launch of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu!
Come and join us at Forbidden Planet for the official launch of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu!
You can register your interest in the book launch and signing here, at the Facebook event page for the book launch. You can also let all your friends know about the event by sharing the event on your own Facebook page.

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