
Saturday 13 August 2016

Short Story Saturday: Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu launches today at the Forbidden Planet Megastore in London!

It's seems to have taken aeons to arrive, but the stars are now in alignment and the day you've been waiting for is here at last!
That's right, Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu launches today, at 1.00pm (GMT), at the Forbidden Planet Megastore in London. Contributors who will be in attendance include Jonathan Oliver, Andrew Lane, Ian Edginton, Adrian Chamberlin,Ed Fortune, Malcolm Barter, Tony Hough, Neil Roberts, and yours truly. 
As well as having the chance to meet all these luminaries of the genre world, you will also be able to have your photograph taken with the Bard - disguised as Cthulhu, if you so desire - and there will be cake!

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