
Friday, 17 November 2017

Gamebook Friday: NEVERLAND - Here Be Monsters!

The NEVERLAND - Here Be Monsters! Kickstarter comes to an end two weeks tomorrow, which means that it's already half way through its run.

That means we have just a fortnight left in which to raise the last 22% (as of writing). To help us achieve our goal I have made two more rewards available; one is a CLOTH MAP Add-on and the other is a cut-down version of the PLUNDERING PIRATE Reward, which runs for as long as Amazon's BLACK FRIDAY sale does. You can find out more here.

With just two weeks to go, I would urge everyone - especially everyone who loves gamebooks - to keep sharing the project with all and sundry and join the NEVERLAND - Here Be Monsters! Facebook group, even if you don't intend on backing it yourself, as I still have people contacting me to said they would have backed my first Kickstarter, which I launched five years ago, if they had heard about it.

Rest assured that any and all help in spreading the word is very much appreciated.

Hopefully, next Gamebook Friday I'll be able to report that the project has funded and that we're well on our way towards the first stretch goal.

Fingers crossed!

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