
Wednesday 9 May 2018

Warhammer Wednesday: War for Armageddon and the Iron Hands

It may be coming up to six years since my last Black Library book was published - the very hard to acquire Warhammer Path to Victory gamebook Shadows Over Sylvania - but its nice to see some of my old stories getting another airing.

The stories in question are my 40K short story The Relic, and my 40K novel Iron Hands. The former has been collected* as part of the new War for Armageddon: The Omnibus, which will be available from the Black Library in August.

The latter is Iron Hands, which, thanks to the wonders of ePublishing**, still garners a bit of interest. More recently, it was referenced in a post over on the Warhammer Community page.


So, if you fancy finding out what my Warhammer 40K fiction is like, you know what to do...

* For the umpteenth time.

** And the fact that it was the first novel to feature the 'Flesh is Weak' boys.

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