
Friday 20 March 2020

Gamebook Friday: FREE Beowulf Beastslayer Teaching Resources

One thing is certain as the Coronavirus crisis deepens; we are most definitely living in interesting times.

If you are a student who has been sent home from school and you have been studying Beowulf in English, or if you are a teacher looking to support your students' work on the Anglo-Saxon epic poem while they are remote learning, my teaching resources, based on the gamebook Beowulf Beastslayer, are now FREE to download from the TES website.

Click the image above to download the Beowulf Beastslayer Teacher's Pack.

In other gamebook-related news, the Kickstarter I am currently running to fund production of my 6th ACE Gamebook, Dracula - Curse of the Vampire, is already two-thirds done, with just 10 days left to go.

Currently we are working towards the first Stretch Goal, which will pay for more of Martin McKenna's amazing artwork for the book. So if you haven't backed it yet, please consider doing so and let all your friends know about it too.

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