
Friday, 25 March 2022

Gamebook Friday: ACE Gamebooks en France

I realise that blog posts have been rather thin on the ground lately, and for that I apologise. However, it is because I have been very busy getting RONIN 47 ready for publication and simultaneously working on three other projects, as well as trying to organise Fighting Fantasy Fest 4.

However, today I have some rather exciting news about some of my other ACE Gamebooks. After the success of Alice au Pays des Cauchemars (or 'Alice in Nightmare Land'), Alkonost Editions are going to publish the next three titles in the series - The Wicked Wizard of Oz, NEVERLAND - Here Be Monsters!, and Beowulf Beastslayer - in French.

The three titles are part of a crowdfunding project, which is being run to bring about the publication of 11 gamebooks in total this year, and which goes live on Monday.

So, whether you are a Francophone or just a completist collector, make sure you check out the Ulule project here, and click the 'Notify me of Launch' button.

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