
Friday, 6 January 2023

Gamebook Friday: A Belated Happy New Year!

Hello again and welcome to 2023!

My year has got off to a cracking start, as the crowdfunding campaign to publish the Spanish edition of Alice's Nightmare in Wonderland funded yesterday, raising almost 27,000 Euros! Congratulations to Ed Riker and Patricia H Albin of Celaeno Books for running an excellent campaign and to the rest of the team for all their hard work behind the scenes.

Today I also finished another gamebook-related project, although I'm not sure when it will see print, but it means that next week I'm free to crack on with the next gamebook-related project. I think 2023 is going to feature quite a few gamebook-related projects, one way or another.

Just to mix things up a bit, the Kickstarter for the next game from ACE Gamebooks Roleplay launches this time next week, on Friday 13th! To find out more, and sign up to be notified when it goes live, click this link.

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