
Saturday 19 February 2011

Blog updates

Since I finished my two most recent projects - Pax Britannia: Anno Frankenstein and Doctor Who: Terrible Lizards - I've been catching up with a bit of blog postage, whilst working on various proposals (including the next Ulysses Quicksilver Pax Britannia adventure). And there's been a fair bit going on, actually, so in case you missed the highlights here's a quick round up.

1) Win almost a kilogram of books!
I'm giving away four brand new books in my latest competition. Click here to find out more.

2) Ask me anything*
I'm planning a Q&A for my next Vlog and the questions are already coming in thick and fast. If you'd like to ask me something about my books or my experiences of writing, click here.

3) Curse of the Mummy
Is out in the new large format edition but that's not all... Click here to find out more.

4) The Armageddon Omnibus
Having been out of print for a few years now, my Warhammer 40K novels Crusade for Armageddon and Conquest of Armageddon are available again as part of Black Library's Print on Demand range. You can find out more here.

5) Pax Britannia: Dark Side
You can now download a desktop wallpaper inspired by the Lego version of Pax Britannia: Dark Side. If you think that's something that would enhance your computer experience, click here.

6) Fighting Fantazine #5
The latest issue of the Fighting Fantasy fanzine is out now and features an essay about my most popular gamebook Howl of the Werewolf. Read more about this here.

7) Pax Britannia Lego
Like Lego? Like the steampunk world of Pax Britannia? Then you'll love these Pax Britannia Lego playsets!

* Within reason.


  1. You've been busy! I'll need to investigate Pax Brittanica - I like steampunk.

  2. Make sure you check out PAX BRITANNIA though. There's an RPG by the name of Pax BritanniCA that's an entirely different beast.
