
Saturday, 29 September 2012

FantasyCon 2012 - Day 2

So... Saturday... Day 2 of FantasyCon 2012.

Today you'll find me on the 'Is Steampunk Here To Stay?' panel (5.00-6.00pm in the Russell Room) alongside such genre luminaries as Mr Kim Newman and Ms Kim Lakin-Smith. The panel is being moderated by Jared Shurin (of Pornokitsch fame) so it should be a lot of fun all round.

Other highlights of the busiest day of the Con, as far I'm concerned, include the James Herbert signing, the Abaddon/Solaris Giveaway, the Mark Gatiss interview (with Mark Morris), the Media Tie-ins panel, and the Disco (of course).

Also hoping to catch up with a few friends throughout the course of the day, so if you see me in the bar (or wherever) do pop over and say hello.

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