
Sunday, 30 September 2012

FantasyCon 2012 - Day 3

So... Sunday... Day 3 of FantasyCon 2012.

Not so much going on today (other than the British Fantasy Society AGM, the BFS Banquet and Awards Ceremony, and the World FantasyCon 2013 Dead Dog party) but then it is the day after the (already notorious) FantasyCon Disco!

Today you'll find me in Room 134 of the Royal Albion Hotel reading from 10.30-11.00am. As to what I'll be reading, I am as yet undecided. It might be an extract from the final part of Time's Arrow - White Noiseor it might be a short horror story (just what you want on a Sunday morning), or maybe a bit of both. Anyway, if you're up do come along and keep me company.

Maybe I'll see you there...

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