"The modern master of the gamebook format" (Rob Sanders)... "Can do dark very well" (Jonathan Oliver)... "Green gets mileage out of his monsters" (SFX Magazine)... "It takes a firm editorial hand and a keen understanding of the tone of each piece to make a collection this diverse work, and Green makes it look effortless" (Starburst Magazine)... "A charming blend of camp creatures, humour, and genuine horror" (Set the Tape)
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
What would you like to know?

Friday, 26 December 2008
Dom and Danny Do Christmas - the morning after

But in the meantime why not enjoy the sight of Dom Joly in an inflatable Santa suit partaking in a not-so Silent Night?
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Season's Greetings!
Yes, Christmas Day is here at last, and hopefully some of you are waking up this morning to find that Father Christmas has left you a copy of What is Myrrh Anyway? in your stocking!

With its meaning deep and true,
And wish a merrie Christmas
And a happy New Year to you.
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Promoting What is Myrrh Anyway? - or - Musicial Studios
Me in Studio GB
Me in Studio GC
But I have nonetheless been suitably quizzed and (think) I acquitted myself fairly well. If you heard me on the radio at all - or you have a Christmas question you'd like answered - why not drop me a line?
Oh, and Happy Christmas Eve Eve.
Monday, 22 December 2008
As welcome as a warm glass of mulled wine on a wintry night

Sunday, 21 December 2008
What is Myrrh Anyway? on your radio - again!

Don't say I didn't warn you!
Christmas Past

What is Myrrh Anyway? in the Sunday Post

This morning I find myself asking if there's anything I won't do to promote What is Myrrh Anyway? To find out what I was doing, allowing myself to be photographed in this condition, click here.
Thursday, 18 December 2008
What is Myrrh Anyway? on your radio

Wednesday, 17 December 2008
What is Myrrh Anyway? update

Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Buy now in time for Christmas!

These hard-to-come-by signed copies only cost £6.00 each, and post and packing is free!
If you would like to purchase one of these future collector's items, simply email me at whatismyrrh@hotmail.co.uk, and I'll let you know how to proceed.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Monday, 8 December 2008
Get your own signed copy of What is Myrrh Anyway?

A writer writes

Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe is brilliant. That fact is not up for discussion. Brooker (a screenwriter himself with the recent Dead Set) is rude, downright offensive, acerbic in his comments on television, and painfully funny. This latest edition of Screenwipe was off the scale of brilliant-ness.
Okay, so I'm going a little over the top here, but for a struggling writer it filled me with renewed confidence and enthusiasm. Hearing Graham Linehan (Father Ted, The IT Crowd), Paul Abbott (Shameless, State of Play), Jesse Armstrong and Sam Bain (Peep Show), Tony Jordan and the incomparable Russel T Davies (Doctor Who - as if you needed reminding) talk about the process of writing was fascinating and filled me with hope. For one thing, it's always good to know it's not just you who has problem X, Y and Z. Writing is a lonely profession, so it's always good to hear from other writers about how they deal with the day-to-day challenges of the job.
If you have any aspirations to be a writer yourself, you should check the programme out for yourself. It was a fascinating insight into what it means to be a writer and was full to overflowing with good advice. There was (of course) the fact that you have to repeatedly re-write to be a writer, you have to be able to finish something and that the harder it is, the better the outcome - probably.
And it was amazing how many of the writers featured hate the process of actually writing (at least the first draft of something) and will procrastinate like an eight year-old not wanting to do his homework. Tony Jordan put it very well. 'I hate writing. I love having written.'
I particularly liked Graham Linehan's comments about 'feeding the subconscious' and the analogy that 'writing is like having a poo'. So do check it out but this blog's younger viewers should be aware that there is strong language used throughout.
I'll leave you with comment paraphrased by Tony Jordan. 'Writing's easy. All you have to do is stare at a blank piece of paper until your forehead bleeds.'
And on that note, if I want to call myself a writer, I'd better go off and write something. Conqueror Worm awaits.
Thursday, 4 December 2008
JG Forbidden Planet Pax Britannia signing

Come along and say hello, find out what I've got planned for the future of Pax Britannia, and get your copy of this brand new steampunk thriller signed by yours truly or, if you can't make it, order your signed copy now by following this link.
I look forward to seeing you there.
JG's Top Ten at the Book Depository

Meet Radio 5 Live's Christmologist - at Acton Christmas Fair

Dom and Danny (and me) Do Christmas
I was at BBC Bush House for the recording of Dom and Danny Do Christmas for Radio 5 Live in my capacity as a Christmologist (or expert on Christmas, for the uninitiated) having written What is Myrrh Anyway? Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Christmas.

It was an afternoon of mirth, merriment and mayhem, spent in the company of a couple of comics and included a live phone call from Roy Wood of Wizard fame and the arrival of a proper a capella choir.
Highlights included the call to Major Reddish of NORAD, who is responsible for tracking Santa as he flies around the world on Christmas Eve and the moment when Dom Joly forced me into eating a mince pie, and breaking the law at the same time. (You'll have to listen for yourself to find out what that was all about.)
And then there was the moment when we were told that it was the choir who sang on the Darkness's 'Christmas Time (Don't Let the Bells End)' who were coming into the studio. I said, 'Oh, from Haberdasher Askes' and Dom Joly turned to me, with a look of amazement, and said, 'You really do know everything about Christmas!'
Dom and Danny Do Christmas will be broadcast at 12 noon on Christmas day on Radio 5 Live and will also be available online via the BBC's listen again facility, but in the meantime, here's some music...
Sunday, 30 November 2008
The What is Myrrh Anyway? Advent Calendar

Friday, 28 November 2008
The Ghost of Christmas Past

Thursday, 27 November 2008
Ealing 135 Group Christmas Fair

Monday, 24 November 2008
News from Abaddon

Sunday, 23 November 2008
The perfect Christmas gifts!

For the science fiction and fantasy fan in your family, why not try the Pax Britannia steampunk-action-adventure novels Unnatural History and Leviathan Rising?

And if you're looking for stocking fillers for the kids, you could do a lot worse than get them a few gamebooks - The Horror of Howling Hill, Howl of the Werewolf, Bloodbones, Curse of the Mummy, Spellbreaker - which will keep them occupied while you're getting Christmas dinner on the go. Or even Go, Go Crazy For Those Bones, for the younger GoGo's fan.
Close encounters of a Dalek kind

Friday, 21 November 2008
Doctor Who Day at Ealing Library

(Did you know, over 100,000 Doctor Who Decide Your Destiny titles have been sold so far?)
I will also have copies of my new Christmas book What is Myrrh Anyway? available to buy.

So maybe I'll see you there...
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Acton Christmas Fair

Friday, 7 November 2008
Have you got yours yet?
If you've ever wondered how to cook the perfect roast turkey, what mince pies should really taste like, or why you are forced to endure the cross-dressing antics of a traditional pantomime every year, then simply open this Christmas cracker of a book and discover the answers to all those questions you've been too afraid - or embarrassed - to ask.
Monday, 3 November 2008
Zombies, zombies and more zombies... and a little Pax Britannia thrown in there too.
Thought for the day...
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Evolution Expects - the cover revealed

Friday, 31 October 2008
Whitby welcomes Gothic guests

Sunday, 26 October 2008
Where the magic happens
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
What is Myrrh Anyway? hits the streets

Warhammer 40K Giveaway!
Thursday, 16 October 2008
My Myrrh Moo Minicards
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Ben Crystal and Shakespeare on Toast

Monday, 13 October 2008
21 and counting...
In between I have written everything from Sonic the Hedgehog and Doctor Who books for children to factual books for adults. The entire list reads something like this.
1. Spellbreaker (1993)
2. Knights of Doom (1994)
3. Curse of the Mummy (1995)
4. Theme Park Panic (1995)
5. Stormin' Sonic (1996)
6. Go Gos Are Go Go! (1997)
7. The Dead and the Damned (2002)
8. Crusade for Armageddon (2003)
9. Magestorm (2004)
10. Iron Hands (2004)
11. Necromancer (2005)
12. Conquest of Armageddon (2005)
13. Bloodbones (2006)
14. Unnatural History (2007)
15. Howl of the Werewolf (2007)
16. Leviathan Rising (2008)
17. The Horror of Howling Hill (2008)
18. Match Wits with the Kids: A Little Learning for All the Family (2008)
19. Go, Go Crazy For Those Bones (2008)
20. What is Myrrh Anyway? (2008)
21. Human Nature (2008)
Next up is...
22. Evolution Expects (2009)
... and there are more to come after that.
Expect the unexpected

And it's not only me who's been getting ready for the next alternative history Victorian-esque action thriller; ace Abaddon cover artist Mark Harrison has as well. He's produced four cover roughs for the next book Evolution Expects (out April 2009), featuring three very different characters from the book.