"The modern master of the gamebook format" (Rob Sanders)... "Can do dark very well" (Jonathan Oliver)... "Green gets mileage out of his monsters" (SFX Magazine)... "It takes a firm editorial hand and a keen understanding of the tone of each piece to make a collection this diverse work, and Green makes it look effortless" (Starburst Magazine)... "A charming blend of camp creatures, humour, and genuine horror" (Set the Tape)
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Demons: A Clash of Steel Anthology - available now!

It's over a year since I wrote my contribution to the collection - a fantasy story called The Pact - and it's great to see it in print at last.
This collection also marks the first time in a long time that C L Werner (he of Warhammer fame) and I have both appeared in the same publication. His story - Bodyguard of the Dead - appears earlier in the anthology.
So don't delay - pick up your copy today!
C L Werner,
Rogue Blades Entertainment,
The Pact
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
The Abaddon Books podcast Pax Britannia special

But be warned, for when Al Ewing is allowed to speak.... Well, just be warned.
Abaddon Books,
Al Ewing,
Jonathan Green,
Pax Britannia,
Blood Royal at Edi's Book Lighthouse

Night of the Necromancer - book review
There's another great review here of Night of the Necromancer. The only downer is that despite having read and enjoyed the book, the reviewer is under the delusion that, "The fertile imaginations of Steve Jackson & Ian Livingstone have come up with yet another complex and demanding gamebook".
Hmmm... I think you'll find it was written by me.

Fighting Fantasy,
Night of the Necromancer,
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Night of the Necromancer & Howl of the Werewolf - feel the love!

And then there are some great
comments here about one of my other FF adventures, Howl of the Werewolf. Howl of the Werewolf is coming out in a brand new edition this autumn, which you can pre-order here.
I Write Like...
Well, not me, apparently.
However, when I entered the text of Night of the Necromancer, I received this response...
When I entered the text of my most recent non-fiction book Scottish Miscellany, I got this...
... again, but my short story White Rabbit (which appears in Blood Royal) produced this...
Now how cool is that?
Who'd've thought it?
I went to this website and entered the text of my latest Pax Britannia novel Blood Royal and was told that...
However, when I entered the text of Night of the Necromancer, I received this response...
Bizarrely, the text for my next Black Library Warhammer 40K short story resulted in this...
Who'd've thought it?
The less said about my last published 40K short The Relic, the better...
Blood Royal,
Night of the Necromancer,
Warhammer 40K,
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Scottish Miscellany - Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Scotland the Brave

Blood Royal at Falcata Times

Al Ewing,
Blood Royal,
Falcata Times,
Gods of Manhattan,
Pax Britannia,
Thursday, 8 July 2010
33 Launch Party
Next Wednesday sees the official launch of 33, a collection of stories all about London from Glasshouse Books - one for each of its 33 boroughs, see? And my story cover the borough of Richmond.

The event is open to all and free to all, so I might just see you there, Wednesday 14 July.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Howl of the Werewolf

Lupravia is a land of werebeasts, and full of danger everywhere. You end up killing the Black Wolf that attack you. However, a change starts unfolding in you. An animal rage begins to surface in you. Your knuckles seem to be getting sharper...... your eyebrows become more protrusive and hairy. A kind hearted woodsmith explains the change in you is due to lycanthropy and you are slowly turning into the beast whom you have slayed.
The only solution is to travel across Lupravia to the source of the curse, the Arch-Lycanthrope, the werewolf who started it all. Can you survive the journey across to the castle and overcome this arch enemy? Or will you succumb to the perils of the land of Lupravia? Will you surrender your will to the werewolf that is attempting to take over your body?
Fighting Fantasy,
Howl of the Werewolf,
Monday, 5 July 2010
Blood Royal - the first review

As a huge fan of Jonathan's Pax Britannia series (although I missed the last outing) I really can't wait to get my teeth into a modern Victoriana Steampunk world where anything can happen. There's tons of action, a wonderful turn of phrase and a principle protagonist that is technically a modern Flashheart to the masses. Great fun and backed up with a cracking overall story arc that really does make this series my favourite from Abaddon.
I've you've not yet read Blood Royal for yourself, you can pick up a copy here.
Abaddon Books,
Blood Royal,
Pax Britannia,
Night of the Necromancer - some kind words

Well the other day Ash (from Warrior Elite) dropped me a line with some kind words about Night of the Necromancer which he picked up whilst at the event, which I'd like to share with you now.
I just wanted to say that I recently played through Night of the Necromancer and enjoyed it thoroughly. I thought it was written in a style very evocative of the Fighting Fantasy range, and I particularly liked that on 'dying' you get a chance to continue the adventure.
I know that one doesn't always get much feedback so I thought I'd let you know.
So my thanks to Ash, and to all of you, I say, check out Warrior Elite's website here.
Sunday, 4 July 2010
Scottish Miscellany on Facebook
My new non-fiction book, Scottish Miscellany - Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Scotland the Brave, now has its own Facebook page.
Follow this link to find it and then why not become a fan?

Happy Independence Day!

But did you know that nine governors of the original 13 American states were Scots?
Senate Resolution 155, passed on 20 March 1998, referred to the predominance of Scots among the Founding Fathers and claimed that the American Declaration of Independence was modelled on the Declaration of Arbroath, an eloquent appeal for the recognition of Scottish independence
and sovereignty, signed on 6 April 1320.

Scottish Miscellany has gone off to the printers now, so for a wealth of fascinating facts, like the one above, pre-order your copy now!
Visit to Four Marks School, Alton
A couple of weeks ago I was invited to talk about Fighting Fantasy gamebooks at Four Marks School in Alton, Hampshire. I duly went along on a Friday morning for meet with Years 4-6 and lead them through the process of creating a Fighting Fantasy adventure.

The children's role was crucial in this. They ended up not only deciding what the adventure was called but created the monsters that appeared within it as well. They then each generated a character and went on the adventure.
The children at Four Marks taking part in my Fighting Fantasy writing workshop
It was great spending time talking to the children at Four Marks and their enthusiasm inspired me. They came up with some great monster names too! And then last week I received an email with thank you letters attached from some of the children.

So it just remains for me to say a big thank you to all those children who attended, and wrote thanks you letters, as well as the staff - especially Mrs Hammond, the school's literacy coordinator - and Claire of the Little Green Dragon Bookshop who provided numerous copies of Bloodbones and Night of the Necromancer for the children to buy.

Hopefully I'll be going back to the school for another visit in the future and, after the warm welcome I received last time, it's certainly one I'll look forward to.
If you would like me to visit your school, to talk about Fighting Fantasy or any of my other writing work, please don't hesitate in dropping me a line, via a comment on this post.
Saturday, 3 July 2010
Fragments - The Art of Tony Hough

Artist Tony Hough (who illustrated two of my Fighting Fantasy gamebooks - Knights of Doom and Bloodbones) has a book of his work coming out. The Knights of Doom cover is in there along with numerous illustrations from Bloodbones.

If you're a fan of Tony's work (and let's face it, if you've read Bloodbones then you surely must be) follow this link to order yourself a copy of Fragments - The Fantasy Art of Tony Hough.
Fighting Fantasy,
Knights of Doom,
Tony Hough
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