So, I arrived at the Clarendon Suites here in Birmingham at about 11.30 this morning to find the UK Games Expo even busier and more bustling than last year.
I soon found my way upstairs to the Arion Games/Greywood Publishing stand where I met up with Graham Bottley (of Arion Games) and Jamie Wallis (of Greywood Publishing).
Having said hello to the guys I dropped by the RPG designers panel during which both Fighting Fantasy and Advance Fighting Fantasy received honourable mentions.
It was then back upstairs to sell books and sign even more. Before I knew it the Expo was closing for the day and were we all turfed out of the building before I'd even had a chance to look round properly.
So, plenty still to do tomorrow and plenty of plans to make following some very interesting conversations today. Hopefully there'll be more on those on this blog in the future. But for now, until tomorrow...
Graham Bottley of Arion Games, proudly displaying his wares.
Graham with a copy of the recently revised Advanced Fighting Fantasy rulebook.
Don't know who this bloke is but he's always turning up at these things.
Advanced Fighting Fantasy, Pax Britannia and Fighting Fantasy gamebooks - strange but happy bedfellows.
Jamie Wallis with some of his wares, including an also map of the Fabled Lands world.
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