1) Completely sold out of four of my books - Night of the Necromancer, Howl of the Werewolf, Unnatural History and Anno Frankenstein. But have no fear - if you dropped by the stand and I no longer had the book you wanted, you can probably pick it up here.
2) The Tenth Doctor stopped by the stand to find out just exactly what a role-playing game is.
3) The unexpected arrival of both Supergirl and Catwoman. (Purrrrr!)

4) Hearing people say very nice things about Leviathan Rising, Human Nature and Evolution Expects, and even Necromancer (the Black Library novel, not Night of the Necromancer the most recent FF gamebook)!
5) Chatting to Angus Abranson and Sarah Newton of Cubicle 7... but hopefully more about that another time.
6) Winning a prize in the charity raffle - the Cobi Tardis Mini Set!

Other highlights from the weekend included the curry I had at Bengal Delight just down the road from where I was staying, a young lady all the way from Portugal buying up the last copy of Pax Britannia: Unnatural History, excitedly announcing that she had been looking for it for ages, and listening in to Paul's Advanced Fighting Fantasy demo game (much fun was clearly being had by all concerned), and generally being looked after very well by Fil Baldowski (who happened to buy me my winning raffle ticket).
Alessio Cavatore running a demo game of Shuuro.
* By the way - Happy Birthday, Graham!
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