Today is Super Thursday, the day in the publishing calendar when many major publishers release the books they hope you will be buying in the lead up to Christmas. Apparently, 505 new hardbacks will be released today in the UK. I think you'll agree, that's quite a lot of books. And none of them are mine.
However, before the end of the year you can look forward to these three releases which all feature work by Yours Truly.
Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago: Tales of the Lost Isles
Edited by
Joseph A. McCullough and published by
Osprey Games (19th October 2017)

The Ghost Archipelago has returned. A vast island chain, covered in the ruins of ancient and otherworldly civilizations, the Archipelago appears every few centuries, far out in the southern ocean.
At such times, pirates, adventurers, wizards, and legendary heroes all descend upon the islands in the hopes of finding lost treasures and powerful artefacts. A few, drawn by the blood of their ancestors, search for the fabled Crystal Pool, whose waters grant abilities far beyond those of normal men.
It is only the bravest, however, who venture into the islands, for they are filled with numerous deadly threats. Cannibal tribes, sorcerous serpent-men, and poisonous water-beasts all inhabit the island ruins, guarding their treasure hordes and setting traps for the unwary.
This book of fiction collects all-new stories set within the Ghost Archipelago, including my own
A Nice Little Nest Egg.

Once again, famous associates of the Great Detective - clients, colleagues and, of course, villains - tell their own stories in this collection of brand-new adventures. Meet Lucy Hebron years after Holmes's only ever failed deduction; follow your nose down the streets of London with Toby the Dog; join Mrs Hudson on her first ever case; greet an ambassador from Mars alongside Lord Holdhurst; and confess your sins to your cellmate, Professor James Moriarty…
My own contribution to this anthology is
Sherlock Holmes and the Beast of Bodmin, as related by Sir Henry Baskerville.
Published by BBC Children's Books (2nd November 2017)

A brand new guide illustrated with over 100 pieces of original fan art, showcasing the best stories from 54 years of Doctor Who.
Profiling 100 of the most beloved Doctor Who TV stories, this book is filled with essential information and original art drawn by fans themselves. From thousands of entries, the illustrations inside were chosen as winning pieces as part of an official Puffin Doctor Who fan art compeition held in early 2017.
Spanning the First Doctor's era to the Twelfth, this stunning book is a must-have Christmas gift and keepsake for any Doctor Who fan.
I wrote quite a few of the story summaries that feature inside the book, and here's one of them.