Thank you, everyone, for your support. HEOROT - Role-Playing in the World of Beowulf Beastslayer will be published in March 2022 through DriveThruRPG.
"The modern master of the gamebook format" (Rob Sanders)... "Can do dark very well" (Jonathan Oliver)... "Green gets mileage out of his monsters" (SFX Magazine)... "It takes a firm editorial hand and a keen understanding of the tone of each piece to make a collection this diverse work, and Green makes it look effortless" (Starburst Magazine)... "A charming blend of camp creatures, humour, and genuine horror" (Set the Tape)
Tuesday 30 March 2021
Sunday 28 March 2021
It's the final 48 hours for the HEOROT RPG on Kickstarter!
HEOROT - Role-Playing in the World of Beowulf Beastslayer has 48 hours left to run on Kickstarter, so if you haven't pledged yet and you would like to you had better hurry!
However, before committing yourself, you might like to review the Quickstart Rules that appear before the first adventure in the book.
Monday 22 March 2021
HEOROT has one week to go on Kickstarter!
Tuesday 16 March 2021
HEOROT - Role-Playing in the World of Beowulf Beastslayer has 2 weeks to go on Kickstarter!
HEOROT - Role-Playing in the World of Beowulf Beastslayer has just two weeks left to run on Kickstarter, and the good news is we are now less than £500 away from hitting Stretch Goal One - the one that adds colour artwork to the book and gives everyone who backs at the BEASTSLAYER reward level and above a free print code for the HEOROT GM Screens.
What's even better is that Stretch
Goal Two adds a completely new supplement to the reward-hoard of everyone
who backs at the BEASTSLAYER reward level and
above. Reading the Runes will bring
magic into the game, including magic-users, and a complete, self-contained
adventure called The Riddle.
And remember, as long as you back at the BEASTSLAYER reward level or
above, Reading the Runes will be added
to your reward-hoard without you having to add anymore money to your pledge!
So please keep spreading the word and tell all your friends why they
need to support HEOROT
- Role-Playing in the World of Beowulf Beastslayer on
Kickstarter today.
And thank you, once again, for all your support.
Friday 12 March 2021
Gamebook Friday: ACE Gamebooks are now available from DriveThruRPG!
If you are one of those people who is put off from buying books because of a lack of shelf space, you may be interested to hear that PDFs of the ACE Gamebooks adventures are now available to buy via DriveThruRPG here.
What's more, the GM's Day Sale over on DriveThruRPG still has three days left to run, and all ACE Gamebooks and ACE Gamebooks Roleplay products are currently discounted.
In other ACE Gamebooks Roleplay-related news, HEOROT - Role-Playing in the World of Beowulf Beastslayer is currently 130% funded* on Kickstarter, with more than two weeks left to run.
Thursday 4 March 2021
World Book Day 2021
It's World Book Day, so why not buy a signed book direct from the author today? Simply click on the image of the book you would like to buy below.