HEOROT - Role-Playing in the World of Beowulf Beastslayer has just two weeks left to run on Kickstarter, and the good news is we are now less than £500 away from hitting Stretch Goal One - the one that adds colour artwork to the book and gives everyone who backs at the BEASTSLAYER reward level and above a free print code for the HEOROT GM Screens.

What's even better is that Stretch
Goal Two adds a completely new supplement to the reward-hoard of everyone
who backs at the BEASTSLAYER reward level and
above. Reading the Runes will bring
magic into the game, including magic-users, and a complete, self-contained
adventure called The Riddle.
And remember, as long as you back at the BEASTSLAYER reward level or
above, Reading the Runes will be added
to your reward-hoard without you having to add anymore money to your pledge!

So please keep spreading the word and tell all your friends why they
need to support HEOROT
- Role-Playing in the World of Beowulf Beastslayer on
Kickstarter today.
And thank you, once again, for all your support.

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