Friday 4 May 2012

Phobophobia at the Big Green Bookshop

So last night myself, Dean M Drinkel, Adrian Chamberlin, and Birthday Boy G R Yeates* gathered at the Big Green Bookshop** in Wood Green, North London, for the inaugural meeting of the Out Of This World Book Group. We weren't just there to add a bit of glitz and glamour to the proceedings; we were actually there to work, promoting Phobophobia.

Simon Key, the bookshop owner, kicked things off and then Dean gave the Book Group an insight into the nature of the anthology before introducing each of us in turn. We each then read from our stories in the anthology, and under a spotlight no less! There were few questions at the end and we concluded proceedings with a book signing.

The Out Of This World Book Group await THE horror reading/signing event of the week in excited anticipation!

 The Usual Suspects.

 Simon Key - owner of the Big Green Bookshop - kicks things off.

 Dean explains the origins of the anthology.

 Mr G R Yeates delighted the audience with his poetic prose (for which he is renowned).****

 Mr Adrian Chamberlin had everyone on the edge of their seats with his story of a certain Witchfinder General.

Four very proud and very relieved authors.

Thanks to everyone who came, and who hung around to chat afterwards, but thanks especially to Simon for hosting the event and my fellow authors for a very pleasant evening of literary conversation over a couple of beers afterwards.

Here's to the next one!

* 32? 32! He still has his whole life ahead of him.***

** It's a great bookshop - it had copies (plural) of Pax Britannia: Evolution Expects on the shelves!

*** It turned out that I'm the oldest of the bunch. Not that I'm fixating on this fact or anything...

*** Greg recently interviewed me about my experiences of writing Fear To Tread for Phobophobia over on his blog here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And what a great success it was dx