There's a week of shopping left until Christmas and I would like your help in giving sales of YOU ARE THE HERO - A History of Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks a bit of a boost in the run up to the festive feast. What I want you to do is post a selfie of yourself (obviously) holding a copy of YOU ARE THE HERO, along with the following message and link:
YOU ARE THE HERO - A History of Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks, a must buy for Christmas! http://www.amazon.co.uk/You-are-Hero-Jonathan-Green/dp/1909679380/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&sr=&qid=
If you do so on Facebook please tag the YOU ARE THE HERO Facebook page (and send me a link at info@jonathangreenauthor.com just to be sure) and if you do so on Twitter, make sure you add @You_Are_TheHero at the beginning of your missive (otherwise I may well miss it), like this (only with a better photo attached).
Now when I say 'selfie' feel free to go to town on this. You might want to dress up, choose a suitably atmospheric location for your photo, or Photoshop yourself and a copy of YOU ARE THE HERO into another appropriate picture. This important thing is that you appear in the picture, along with YOU ARE THE HERO, and that the all important Amazon link is attached too.
Competition closes 19:00 hrs GMT, Tuesday 23rd December!
I shall look forward to seeing your YOU ARE THE HERO selfies. Choice of winner will be completely arbitrary (and quite possibly based on names out of a hat) and the judge's decision is final.
Good luck!
* Unless you're reading this at 6.55pm on Tuesday 23rd December, of course.
Did we get a results page?
Yes, yesterday. www.jonathangreenauthor.blogspot.co.uk/2014/12/you-are-hero-selfie-competition-winner.html
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