Saturday 2 October 2021

#SelfPromoSaturday - Free RPG Day Freebies!

Free RPG Day is taking place this year on 16th October 2021. Just like Free Comic Book Day, it is an initiative intended to encourage people to visit their local games store and make a purchase... or three.

However, ACE Gamebooks Roleplay doesn't have a bricks and mortar store, so for Free RPG Day this year, I am going to be giving away two new products.

The Christmas Owl is a supplement for 'TWAS - The Roleplaying Game Before Christmas, which brings a new Player Character into the game along with a new Scene to help introduce him.

Subscribers to my monthly author newsletter will receive The Christmas Owl for free on Free RPG Day.

The Nutcracker and the Mouse King
is a new adventure for the 'TWAS RPG and will be available to download from DriveThruRPG on 16th October for free! After that, you will have to pay for it.

So make sure you sign up to my author newsletter here, if you haven't already, and put a reminder in your diary to visit ACE Gamebooks Roleplay on DriveThruRPG on 16th October.

See you in a couple of weeks!

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