Saturday 21 September 2019

Short Story Saturday: Tales from Wonderland and the Red Planet

Wonderland, the Alice in Wonderland-inspired anthology, has been been undertaking an epic blog tour of late, which has resulted in all sorts of positive comments. But the one which stood out for me was the one that appeared on Set the Tape, and that mentioned my own story, The Hunting of he Jabberwock.

Meanwhile, the latest issue of the Judge Dredd Megazine (#412), features a piece by Stephen Jewell about the Scarlet Traces anthology, which mentions my own story, Wonderful Things, and even includes a soundbite from Yours Truly*.

Wonderland: An Anthology , published by Titan Books, and Scarlet Traces: A War of the Worlds Anthology, published by Abaddon Books, are both available to buy now.

* Although I'm not keen on the rather pejorative use of the word 'claims' in that part of the article.

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