Saturday 28 September 2019

Short Story Saturday: Wonderland Reviews

Editors Marie O'Regan and Paul Kane, along with the team at Titan Books, have done a really good job of promoting Wonderland: An Anthology, and a large part of that has involved the epic book blog tour it's been on.

Personally, I took a great deal of satisfaction from reading this review on Blue Book Balloon:

"Jonathan Green's The Hunting of the Jabberwock gives us the true story of this famous quest - in which things turn out to be both less, and more, heroic than the legend which has been handed down. Drawing on the possibilities for the Hunt as a self-contained episode Green creates what could almost be a Dungeons & Dragons module, complete with an eager young Squire, a battered, world-weary knight and an unfriendly Hermit. Liberally spattered with gyres and gimbles, more raths and fearsome Jubb Jubb birds, this story is fun and entertaining."

This one on Rising Shadow:

"The Hunting of the Jabberwock by Jonathan Green... This is one of the best and most entertaining fantasy stories I've read this year, because the story is gripping and the ending has a nice twist to it."

And this one over on Grimdark Dad:

"The Hunting of the Jabberwock by Jonathan Green was an absolute blast, and ended up being one of my favorites in the collection. It’s whimsical without being too cute, and really funny on top of it. It’s basically epic/heroic fantasy, and comes with a killer twist! This was awesome!"

And then there's this one posted by The Sassy Book Geek:

"This story tells the tale of a character named Nobody who is seeking out the Jabberwock to become a monster slayer and claim a reward. The “Alice” references here are very clear and I have to say I really enjoyed this one for the characters, plot, and writing. It’s got action and even a few twists, which for such a short story was definitely a nice surprise! The ending was one of those twists and while one was pretty satisfying the other was a little bleak but this is horror after all. Overall a creative and entertaining story!"

The Hunting of the Jabberwock was also one of Sarah's highlights at Feeling Fictional.

If you don't already have one, you can pick up a copy of Wonderland: An Anthology here, and my own Alice-inspired book, Alice's Nightmare in Wonderland here.

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