I have been particularly looking forward to this issue, because not one, not two, but three of my projects feature within its 104 pages!
First up is Bloodbones, or more specifically, Tin Man Games' adaptation of my fourth Fighting Fantasy adventure which was on hiatus for ten years until it was finally published by Wizard Books nine years ago*.
Bloodbones gets bigged up.
Second up is a report on Fighting Fantasy Fest 2014, written by Andrew Jones...
It's nice to see some pictures from the Fest from the other side of the table.
...and third is another glowing review of YOU ARE THE HERO, this time by Stuart Lloyd.
According to Stuart's review, if you're reading this you should also own a copy of YOU ARE THE HERO.
The issue also includes a brand new Lone Wolf adventure this time, and an in depth interview with Marc Gascoigne, who was consultant editor on the series when I started writing for Fighting Fantasy... almost 23 years ago**!
Congratulations to Editor Alex Ballingall and the team, for another fantastic issue, and you can download your FREE copy by clicking this link.
* Crikey! Has it really been that long?
** It's actually nearer 25 years*** since I first started pitching ideas to Marc.
*** That's a quarter of a century!
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