Environment can be very important to a writer. I used to write here.
I would like to be able to write here.

However, truth be told, I now find my writing time split between a corner of the sitting room in the flat we're renting in London, or in the spare bedroom of the house we've bought in Wiltshire, or at the kitchen table. I don't have all my books around me and sometimes that makes it harder. But needs must...
So I'm very interested in where other writers write. Graham McNeill of Black Library fame has recently rented an office to write in, since working from home with a small person around (and another one on the way) is too distracting. Terry Pratchett writes in a large office-cum-offshoot-of-Unseen-University-Library in the grounds of his large country house.
And I came across these the other day. First up is Alex Bell (a phenomenally successful young writer) and Jaine Fenn (not quite so young but just as successful).
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