Saturday 2 April 2011

B is for Baddies

Over the years, purely by chance, a number of the villains from my various books have had names starting with the letter B.

First there was Belgaroth, the undead Chaos Knight Lord and Big Bad, from my second Fighting Fantasy adventure gamebook Knights of Doom (which was written in 1994 and published in 1995). I was interested to find this entry about him here.

Then there was Bloodbones, the eponymous villain from my fourth FF gamebook - although Bloodbones was only his nickname (written in 1996, re-written in 2005 and finally published in 2006).

And then, in 2009, Balthasar Sturm, evil elementalist, came on the scene in my sixth FF adventure Stormslayer, and who bizarrely has his own Facebook page!

What is this thing with the letter B? I have no idea...


Karen Jones Gowen said...

Who doesn't love a good villain? I like the idea of naming them with the letter B for Baddie, LOL!


Stuart Lloyd said...

You have a good variety of villains, Jon, some of which I will be writing about.

Although I didn't write about him, I like Balthazur Sturm the best from your rogues' gallery. A weather mage with a flying machine is pretty awsome.

Sylvia said...

evil elementalist sounds really cool!! greetings from a fellow A to Z blogger!

meriurdu said...

great work i just visit your blog its superb

Urdu poetry

Jonathan Green said...

Thanks for all your kind comments.

KarenG - pure chance, but I know...!

Slloyd14 - can't wait to read your posts on these.

Sylvia - likewise, greetings!

Meriurdu - thanks very much! Looking forward to checking out your site too.

RĂ©mi (Balthus Dire) said...

As the author of the article about Belgaroth, I am pleased to learn that you enjoyed it. I hope that I made no mistake or incorrect assumptions. I for one would like to thank you for writting "Knights of Doom", which despite being frutratingly hard, was very enjoyable, well-written and oh so satisfying when I finished it.