Colour me happy. Very happy. Delighted, in fact.
And the reason? Because the SFX Special Edition Fantasy: The Ultimate Celebration is released today, featuring twelve pages of Fighting Fantasy goodness - Count them! Twelve! - written by Yours Truly.
The Legacy of Firetop Mountain is an article about the 30 year history of Fighting Fantasy and a well-deserved celebration of the classic gamebook series that set many of us in the business today on the path to fame and fortune - or at least publication and the occasional guest appearance at the SFX Weekender.
As well as being filled with pictures of the covers of my various gamebooks, there's all sorts of other great stuff in there too, including Guy Haley's piece of fantasy world-building, Mike Molcher's interview with Pat Mills about the comic strip Slaine, and pages of Black Library Warhammer art and a book round-up too.
So if you don't already subscribe to the SFX Specials, get yourself down to your local newsagents today and pick up a copy. (You'll even find three free gifts included inside!)
Thanks to editor Jes Bickham for making my words look so damn fine and to all those who contributed to the article, but especially Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone.
Oh, and let me know what you think of my article by clicking on 'Comments' at the bottom of this post.
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